Hi Guys,
Boy what a rough couple weeks I'v had! The day after our last class I went to the doctor with some stomach pain and ended up being admitted to the hospital. After bloodwork and testing they decided I had a gallbladder full of gallstones. Surgery that evening and another day and a half in the hospital and I was home, recovering well. Then 4 days post op, the pain started up again and I was back in the hospital for pain control and more testing; in for an ERCP , yet another day and a half in the hospital and home again. Seems that some of the multiple stones that were in my gallbaldder "escaped" the surgeons snare and hid out in my bile duct headed for my liver. Anyway I think I'm on the road to recovery and hoping to get at least back to class by next week and hopefully get the ok to start my excersise again. MISS YOU ALL! Keep up the good work!
2024 review
2 months ago
I hope you have a speedy recovery! What a bummer but it sounds like you are ready to get back in the game.
How are you feeling now? Hope all is well!
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