Monday, July 13, 2009

Sick Week

Here it is July 13. I haven't blogged since the 2nd. Where does the time go? Well for me, last week was "survival mode". I got sick with some kind of sore throat, cough, sinus congestion bug that really thru me for a loop! I couldn't excercise all week; when I'd move around or talk, I started coughing. I missed a day at work, my trainer apt and our class. When I was home I was down. I didn't feel really like I ate badley, but I know that not excersising hurt me. I did gain 2 pounds back. I really missed excersising ! That surprised me. I did not think I would ever miss not excersising. Anyway, I still have some congestion and a slight cough, but am feeling much better. So today "I'm back in the sadle" and ready to get going again. I got the book "Intuitive Eating". While I was down, I did get 3 chapters read. I missed seeing everyone and checking the blogs, so I'm glad to be feeling better!


Michelle said...

I was under the weather last week also and although I managed to exercise every day I wasn't at my peak performance. I did miss working out like I normally do.
When I do not feel good I eat my comfort foods. Not good for me!!!
Glad you are back in the game.

Sherrie said...

It sounds like lots of people are getting sick right now. Its seems odd especially with the warm weather. I am glad you are feeling better and back in the saddle.

Becky said...

I hope you get feeling better! Have a great week.